Friday, February 11

jimmy needham - not without love benediction.

i tried, Lord.
i tried, Lord.
i tried hard to be Your good little boy
chin up, head high
all zeal and no joy
thinking all my good deeds could please Jesus.
boy, was i wrong.

though i knew the right songs, 
all my cymbals and gongs played the melodies wrong.
and it wasn’t long till i saw my disease,
a life spent wanting to please
on hands and knees
to make right, to appease.

God help me, please!
this can’t be christianity!
it can’t be!
the whole thing’s like insanity!
where’s the rest of eternal security?
where’s the hope of a God big enough 
to cope with all my hang-ups and insecurities?

certainly, this isn’t breathing.
my chest burning and heaving.
it’s like my pulse is ceasing,
like my heart quits beating!

yet this i recall to mind,
and therefore, i have hope:
You died, Lord,
You died, Lord.

assuredly, like the coming of the dawn, 
the Father’s love song goes on.
drowning out my bitter songs
and breaking through walls and barriers,
Christ swoops in, removes sin, 
picks up His bride and carries her. 

so i can sing in agreement with the King this thing:
there’s only one thing that pleases the Father,
the God-man on the tree in the midst of the scoffers.
now i finally see that Christ is what Christ offers.
and i’m finally free in the love of the Father.


  1. This is an awesome song. I love good 'ole Jimmy! He writes some fantastic stuff!

    Love your blog by the way. I found it from rylie's. She was right!
