Thursday, October 14

don't stop believin'.

paige: "maybe she'd give me a piece of that. wait, woah!"

mom: "i wonder why there's a map of haiti here..."
paige: "maybe the titanic crashed near haiti."
mom: "paige, the titanic crashed near an iceberg..."
paige: "oh yeah...don't tell anyone i said that."

dad: "let's just play one more hand."
mom: "why?:
dad: "because it's 9:30!"
mom: "what, do you turn into a pumpkin or something?"

dad: "i like the idea of being a close family and all, but i don't think we all have to pull off the highway every time somebody has to take a potty break."

paige: "won't everything be written in mexican?"

i love you guys :)


  1. OMG...this is hilarious and make us all look really weird!! Love you and miss you Megs!!

  2. our life in a nut shell
