Monday, August 16

all you have left.

It destroys us.
It creates barriers,
A sense of desperation.
It arouse anguish within us,
An anguish that encompasses our entirety.
Fear has a way of causing all to be much darker.
What is fated appears dim.
With fear come nightmares.
And nightmares are unbearable.
They make "anything is possible" inconceivable.
Our fears keep us petrified.
They create doubt.
And confusion tied with fear is almost unstoppable.

But what about when you make the choice to fight?

It sustains us.
It creates possibilities,
A level of attainment.
It inspires joy within us,
A joy that encompasses our entirety.
Hope makes everything seem just a litter brighter.
Our futures are illuminated.
With hopes come dreams.
And dreams are endless.
They make "everything is possible" true.
Our hopes keep us focused.
They create determination.
And valor joined with hope is unstoppable.

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