Thursday, September 8

you know you're a tts when...

so, i pass this bulletin board every day in the 1S lounge of my dorm about how to know if you're a "typical truman student" and i love it more and more each day. so i thought i'd share it with you all to give an embarrassingly accurate view of my school and what they people are like here...

1. you take notes on syllabus day.
2. you've never tailgated a day in your life.
3. a group of zombies running through the quad is no reason to panic.
4. the weather is only nice when your parents drop you off and pick you up.
5. you look forward to finals for the free doughnut break.
6. sunday night dinner is mexican or chinese.
7. you really do go to walmart for fun.
8. you have something to say about pancake city.
9. your favorite holiday is reading day eve.
10. your directions to school are "go to mizzou and head north."
11. you are more likely to last until close at the library.

pretty lame, but i love it here :)


  1. thanks for making me miss Truman. this sums up the past for years of my life and now i am undoing all of them at Univ. of Tennessee.
